The Runaways & Harry Potter in The 10 Best Movie Posters of 2010 !

Publié le par Belladouce

MTV a établi son classement des 10 meilleures affiches de film en 2010 !


Dans ce classement on retrouve :


The Runaways est en 2 eme place !


Simplicity wins out in this symphony of thinly veiled erogenous cues that is also a literal depiction of the Runaways' hit song "Cherry Bomb." The sparks, the cherry and the drip could have appeared alone with the film's title and still been an effective teaser. The poster boils the concept of a Runaways biopic into a concoction that's about as simple as they come, and as far as blunt messages go, this one wields a mighty large club.



Harry Potter et les reliques de la Mort - Partie 1 en 9 ème place !


Simple color palettes and a sense of motion go a long way, even when you're dealing with one of the most recognizable acting ensembles in film today. "The Deathly Hallows" is all about the full-on adult dangers Harry, Hermione and Ron are facing after six movies' worth of aging and adventuring -- and the poster perfectly captures the sense that the trio is running headlong into those dangers. The cold blues set a chilling tone against the bright red splash of color in the foreground. It's the kind of effect you'd expect to see on a slasher film poster, but it's still subtle enough to cater to a PG-13 crowd.



Publié dans Kristen Stewart

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